Thank You. We'll notify you when this product is available. Continue Shopping. Do you already have a SmartMusic subscription? Yes, open this title in SmartMusic. No, show me a free preview title. Create New List. Added to. View List Continue Shopping. List Name Please enter a valid name. That's what unleashes creativity," says the German-born Zimmer, His tunes and style change for every project, he says.
He feels Driving Miss Daisy and Man of Steel have more in common than you would at first glance think but at the same time they are different, too. I have an aesthetic," Zimmer says. I didn't even get the afternoon not to think about it. Zimmer had more in common with Batman than just working better late at night — that's when the composer does his best writing "because the world gets a little quieter," he says.
Finding personal experience is essential when working on a movie for him, and that's how he tapped into the Dark Knight well. Zimmer found a couple of things about Superman that were relevant to him, mainly the idea of being a stranger in a strange land and, always being a foreigner, how does one then look at America? I thought, 'Wow, I just want to use this movie to celebrate the endlessness of the Midwest, the farmers, the people who leave their doors unlocked because they trust in the people who invite the stranger in and give them a cup of tea and coffee.
Just stop with all the dark stuff for a second. It was as always an inspiring post. First I thought the score is that bad, reviews said. After this post I think different, especially of the dualistic Theme s.
I hope your blog will exist as long as possible! Thanks, Malte. I myself was surprised at how complex the use of the themes is. I tried to keep the analysis on more pervasive themes in the film. Hence, the introspective name. Love your blog! Thank you, Kevin! But what I appreciate is how he manipulated these few simple cords according to concepts of dream and time.
And I will be expecting your post too! Thank you for a good read. I have heard that the score for Lone Ranger is a surprisingly tuneful one for Zimmer. Wow, what a brilliant write-up.
I think Man of Steel is a terrific and well-thought-out soundtrack, but you actually put into words WHY I like it so much. Great job! Interesting and informative! Please keep writing your posts, your assessments are amazing. Greetings from the Maldives! Spider-Man Peter Parker 3. Batman Bruce Wayne 4. Captain America Steve Rogers 5. Hulk Bruce Banner 6. Iron Man Tony Stark 7. Thor Thor Odinson 8. Daredevil Matt Murdock 9. Punisher Frank Castle. The Dark Knight 2.
On paper, using atmosphere and pure instrumentation to represent a hero and hope as opposed to a theme is practically blasphemy for film scores, but here…it not only works, it soars. Follow me on Twitter for the latest soundtrack and review-based news! One of my favorites — play this regularly on my runs and had never even considered the non-chronological order. Like Liked by 2 people. Maybe I should try it again sometime. Like Liked by 1 person.
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