Role of politicians is not a small role its plays a vital role because politicians is the one who represent the culture of the country. Education is the key to success…. Politician should be educated, because they will not be able to lead our country if they do not have knowleage they can not drive our country effeciently without the proper knowledge.
I think goverment made the law if u want to join the politics they fight the exam. The politicians has to be well educated because if the politicians are not well educated so it does not takes the right decision because of lack of knowledge , and without qualifications they do not have gain knowledge and education qualification is plays an important role in politicians life so they can easily understands their responsibilities and takes the right position that they actually deserves.
Personally i believe like in all the sectors there are some entrance exams.. For performing any job each individual needs educational qualification. Then why do we think that a person responsible for the people of a nation, progress of a nation, does not need educational qualification. This theory might have worked in the past because the politicians then were, honest to themselves, their duty and to the people. Because of that reason, it was somewhat justified to have a person without educational qualification to be a politician.
But now the things are entirely different, only those who are selfish and the corrupt mostly are there as politicians, they think of themselves all the time and think hardly about people any time.
The tragic part of it is that many of them does not know the value of the post they are holding, and hardly have any knowledge education wise, relevant to the post they are holding. Hence minimum educational qualification must be mandatory for politicians.
For every, job right from an attender in the bank, or offices, to the collector everybody needs educational qualification. This theory may have worked in the old days because the politicians then were, honest to themselves, their duty and to the people. Because of that reason, it was ok to have a person without educational qualification to be a politician.
A person holding the position of a finance minister should have knowledge about the financial issues concerning the nation and he should be able to take decisions that lead the nation on a progressive way. If he is educated and has the kind of knowledge in the required field then it will help him, to do justice to his job. What is important is not only does a person holding ministry should have education, but they should have relevant education concerning the post they are holding.
Minimum educational qualification should be made compulsory for the politicians and those working in responsible positions, such as home ministry, finance, and others should be trained or educated, in depth, regarding their particular field.
So, educational qualification is not only a must, but they should have more knowledge than anyone else. So, that they can make better decisions and take the nation towards a progressive path. And most important having strong leadership qualities. There are so many leaders who are well qualified still they are corrupt.. Who works for these uneducated persons. Though these administrative personnel are highly qualified yet they have to work under the pressure of these uneducated politicians.
Hi, I am in an opinion that education is necessary for a politician. I just give an example those people who are ruled in our from past are leaders some of them are educated and other people are there but they ruled our country.
And the leader ship qualities are coming from by birth only. But in those days they fight with an honor and for their people but now a days the Politicians are ruling for their money and other things. These people not having any morale values the morale values will be learn form education system only. And these people will think about next generation then only our country in great position. According to me educational qualification is necessary for politicians.
And also in my view politicians needed Higher education, because they are the persons rule the society. Some high educated politicians are doing the schemes. Finally we conclude that Only Qualification insufficient for the politicians and also having good leader ship qualities and genuine persons are required.
Politicians has a control over the entire country.. How can we let our country completely to the hands of illeterate peoples?? For a politician Education qualification means he or she should know what is happening from bottom to top level. Normal Person to the Prime Minister. He or she must know how is administration carried out in the country. He should have knowledge in legislature, judiciary and executive branches. He or She must has moral and ethical values.
Then he is the perfect politician. But there should be a minimum quqlification for the polititians…They should not be completely illiterate as they represents our country.
Even today if I go for a teaching job in a small school I at least need to be a graduate. So if we need education in such small fields of life then why not in politics because here one has to run the whole country.
An educated person knows about the world and so also knows how to deal with if today India is lagging behind then that is because of such illiterate politicians. If we see America today, we find it as an developed nation instead of a developing nation. If it is here today, then only because of educated politicians. Education brings self respect to an individual which is the greatest property of life. There is need of minimum educational qualification for the politicians and they should also be screened on the basis of education, moral and social values they hold.
Then they should be given administrative training on the background of patriotism. We should think rationally and should not leave our country in the hands of those who are devoid of the qualities required for efficient leadership. For what we select leaders???? They are their to make policies, understand the need of their people, their visions, their requirements, and all that comes from education. Its not only in terms of degree only besides education qualifications, he mus have leadership and he must be a kind person who could understand the needs of their people.
Moreover, a leader is a inspiration, if he himself is not educated, how can he inspire those people who consider him as their leader, their innovator. No doubt education makes a man broad minded, enhance his personality and groom him. This is education which make a man thoughtful. But just well education is not a fix criteria to analize a leader. There are some other qualities which makes him perfect like, he must be honest, hard-working.
Sincere, corruption free, who think about people welfare and benefits etc. There are so many leaders who are well qualified still they are corrupt and its recent example is Mr. Raja who is one of the most corrupt leader and involved in multi-crores 2G scam. They even cannot take decisions independently and just become the puppet of these uneducated politicians.
This is all because of our unawareness. During the time of elections we give vote to these uneducated, corrupt and biased leaders and became slave of them.
And in modern time like Anna ji. Anna ji who is not so qualified yet he is trying to make our country corruption free. Thus, we need a politician who can represent common man and that is possible when our leader would be educated at certain extent and as well as honest and think for welfare of our country. As we already know corruption is the best definition of politics. This corruption is only due to lack of education. There should be education criteria for politicians. Politicians have a big role in successfully taking the world, atleast country ahead.
They become the ministers and take important decisions regarding many issues. That would actually be really helpful for people. Our politicians also represent India on international front, thus educational qualification should be must. I Think that it is better if there is a entrance exam for politic people.
At-least they have to know some basic educations. Because the they are the builder of country, they have to know how to control around crore people. If they know education, they can take a perfect and stable decisions in any critical problem.
So according to me education is mandatory for the political people. Education is actually mandatory for politician…- This is my point of view in the above regards. This is so because in todays scenario development has become the necessary deed in eyes of of everyone. This indeed becomes versatile. Leaders are born great. But nowadays leaders are typical politicians…a nowhere compared to these personalities.
So education must be needed in them for the nations pride, development, needs , communications. Education can increase his communication and speaking skills. A politician is a social member and his interactions with people are frequent, therefore, he needs maturity and sensibility in his talk and behavior.
This is all possible with proper education. Lets see that even if a IAS officer has to work under a minister who knows nothing, rather it becomes very difficult indeed to implement his IAS ideas into practice.
So at last it becomes no use in practical. The whole story ends up to be a Jack of all, but master of none. You just cant lead a nation enough by using a microphone,giving false promises. This work can even be performed by a student. A Contradictory part arises.
The leaders of our countries can get their positions simply because they are good speakers. They may have been local organizers but be very articulate. Therefore I would say no, but I would add that I think there should be an educational component required after one is elected.
There are procedural things, knowledge of the purpose and origin of the office you are holding, and an understanding of how your office fits into the larger scheme and flow of government as a whole. Some education on how the process of government is intended to work at the chosen level would allow new members to come on board in a productive manner, and hopefully prevent them from becoming jaded and giving up.
Anything can be accomplished, but it is important that it be done according to established procedure, and that takes some education. So, on ending up with the above rising issue i would deliberately ponder upon educated person to be a politician or a leader.
Friends i also think that there should be some educational qualifications for the politicians. To become the leader of the nation and guide the country is not easy.
For this we need quiet good and well educated person who could guide us and can lead us as well as nation to the right place and position that it actually desreves. All these aspects are very important to be known by one to become a good citizen. So do politician must get education.
The matter of concern here is the knowledge, wisdom, learning ability, thought process and leadership quality of a politician and above all a politician must be patriotic and should know how to handle citizens and how to respect their sentiments.
A politician should be a good learner and must be keen to keep himself updated with current events of the world. If an educated politician does not bother about the things going on in the world then he will not be considered a good politicianin spite of the fact that he is educated. Qualification has very little to do with the Politics. It will give the exact image of a person that is going to be a politician.
So for this i completely agree that politicians should be well educated and they should have the criteria of educational qualification. It is a foremost requirement for our country that a politician must be educated. Better if there is a entrance exam for politic people. Education is must!!
Research also shows that educated leaders are more competent and hence are more able to make sensible economic policy choices which lead to better economic performance. This stems from the evidence that these focus on broad-based economic objectives rather than promoting narrow sectional interests which will tend to favour protectionist policies. They are inclined to advocate the provision of public goods and infrastructure through institutionalisation which generate wide economic benefits.
In all these cases, it shows that highly educated leaders are also better citizens and are more likely to operate in the broader public interest. It creates a culture of attracting educated, brilliant minds from the country for contesting elections because they will perceive the election battle ground to be familiar and welcoming when they will see politicians with qualifications similar to theirs.
Educational qualifications would also raise the general level of education in the country. More people may become inspired, by the positive examples set by educated politicians, to get more educated. Constitutional right : Although the literacy rate of Maldives is one of the highest in this region, baby boomers and the early Gen X population in the country did not have equal opportunities, nor any opportunities to study; or certainly to study beyond a certain level.
Providing education to each and every citizen is the duty of the state. Thus, it is the state that has failed to provide education, and for this failure of the state, citizens cannot be punished.
People from those generations cannot be deprived of their right to contest elections because of the failure of state, at least in the short run. He did a correspondence course though there is some controversy over the authenticity of the documents he has produced.
Despite his lack of formal education, we can observe that he is a good politician. However, I think he has one crucial flaw. He does not engage deeply with policy material like Manmohan or Obama or someone with intellectual might. In one of his interviews, Modi has himself described how he works. He says: "Three or four days after I became chief minister of Gujarat, the chief secretary CS came to me. He brought a heap of files this tall gesturing about three feet high.
They must have weighed 15 or 20 kilos. The peon left them on my table. Take the time out to read them. You may need to speak on, and take a position on, at any time and address all these issues. They stayed where they were. A voice came to me that I could not work through academics study sic.
That voice came from within. I will not be able to read so much. First, you people make me understand what masala sic the files contain. It is not in my nature prakruti to read files. It is not necessary that a person getting excellent marks is also a good planner and decision taker. A combination of the two is needed for a person to become a great politician.
In my opinion It is not required to have an educational qualification for the politician. It doesn't matter that person has any degree or not only thing which matters is the work done for the public and his nation.
Even educated persons now in our country have caught in the corruption. So why do we judge people only on the basis of their qualification, why not according to their nature, qualities and work done by them.
Person should be well aware of his responsibilities for his country and should have following qualities. Person should be honest, patriot and devoted to his country. He should have good leadership, always think and work for welfare of public. He should be able to bring out ideas for removing of corruption, poverty, unemployment and inflation like diseases from our country and must be able to implement those laws. He must be a good decision maker so that can bring the change in our country.
I am not saying that person should not be educated he should be but subject knowledge and hard skills don't determine whether he is suitable to be a politician or not. The above mentioned qualities are sufficient for a politician not any paper certifying his education. There is on need of education for our politicians because we are living in a democratic country and we only choose them that means we should put more stress on educating our public than politicians so that they could choose a leader of their own choice.
It doesn't really matter ,if the person owns some degree or not-what matters is his love for the nation the person should be honest, patriot and devoted to the country.. And unfortunately there is no such degree bestowed for exhibiting these qualities!!! Now let us come to the present scenario where we have a highly qualified legislature of MLAs and MPs certified from around the world's best universities,from Harvard ,oxford to St.
Hello everyone, The main role of politician is to serve the nation and do do we need any degree or qualification to serve our society or nation? Certainly not! We all are the people of this nation and anyone can raise their hand to serve irrespective of their caste, creed, qualification or religion. And many more. But all these qualities require vision, determination rather than qualification. If a leader is educated its good but there are much more important qualities he must have like humbleness, reach to people, no criminal records, no to corruption and should have moral values.
So to conclude, its good for a politician to have degree and other qualifications but it should not be made mandatory. The constitution of India implies "for the people, by the people, from the people".
If graduation becomes a necessity, then India will no longer be the biggest democracy. It indeed will not remain a democratic country.