Your Practice. Popular Courses. Personal Finance Banking. Table of Contents Expand. You Don't Have an Account There. The Check is Made to a Business. Large Transactions. Stale Checks. Hold Payment Requests. Key Takeaways You will need a government-issued photo ID when cashing a check.
If the check is made payable to your business, make sure you have a business account at the bank and that the business is properly registered with the state. Banks may require advance notice to cash large checks. Checks can be difficult to cash if they're "stale-dated.
Article Sources. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts.
We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy. Related Articles. Checking Accounts How to Endorse a Check.
Banking Banking Partner Links. In this case, only you—the business owner—can cash checks made out to your business. This way, you can cash checks made out to both you personally and your business. If you have a partnership, corporation, or a limited liability company LLC , cashing a business check is can be more complex.
Also, depending on the banking institution, it may not be an option. Only signatories indicated on the account can successfully endorse a business check in order to cash. That is, of course, if your bank allows it. It must match the one the bank has on file for the account.
Some banks also require a fingerprint before they will cash a business check. If your banking institution does not allow the cashing of business checks made out to a business, then you can deposit the check and make a withdrawal for the same amount from the account. This can serve the same purpose. Having a small business bank account keeps your money organized and safe.
However, if you do not have a business checking account and need to cash a business check, there are other ways to do this. If this occurs, you must open a new prepaid debit card and transfer your funds which comes with a fee. Opening a business bank account shows your customers that your business is legitimate, and makes depositing checks much easier.
Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. Fora Financial News. Industries We Serve.
Small Business. Working Capital. Business Finances Small Business Tips. Cashing checks is an important task for businesses and consumers. Because of this, having a business bank account in-place is key. The person cashing the check should sign the back of the check with her full name and title. The signature must match the signature on file with the bank. Proper identification, such as a driver's license or state-issued identification card, is usually required as well to verify identity.
Some banks also require a fingerprint before they will cash a business check. If your banking institution does not allow the cashing of business checks, depositing the check and then writing out a business check to "cash" can serve the same purpose.
Keep in mind that a bank will often hold at least a percentage of a check's value until it clears before it makes the funds available.