How can reproductive isolation affect natural selection

Two observations support a role for rearrangements in the accumulation of genic isolating barriers between these two species. First, several of the QTL conferring pollen sterility, an important intrinsic isolating barrier, map to collinear regions of the Helianthus genome, consistent with the action of genic isolation factors in addition to chromosomal ones Rieseberg et al. Second, epistatic interactions among sterility QTL that do map to chromosomal rearrangements generally do not involve linkage groups that are part of the same multivalent configuration during meiosis Lai et al.

Both observations suggest that the effects of rearrangements on reproductive isolation are not due to their direct effects on fertility alone but may also involve indirect effects by genic isolating barriers. More conclusive evidence for or against a role of rearrangements in the accumulation of isolation genes may be obtained by studying the molecular genetic signature of positive selection in rearranged and collinear genomic regions Navarro and Barton, Such tests are within reach in a rapidly growing number of taxonomic groups with existing genome programs Noor and Feder, In the case of inversions, future studies should also address the question of whether rearrangements actually caused the accumulation of genic isolating barriers or whether the sequence of events was reversed.

The evolution of reproductive isolation is a classic problem in evolutionary biology. Much progress has been made in recent years in the analysis and characterization of individual components of reproductive isolation, but much remains to be learned about the sequence of evolution of pre- and postzygotic barriers, about their ecological interactions, and about the genetic architecture of reproductive isolation.

It is clear that studies of individual components of reproductive isolation are needed to further our understanding of the processes and mechanisms underlying isolation factors, but to understand reproductive isolation, it is essential that the effects of isolating factors are investigated in combination with other barriers. The enigmatic process of speciation is nowadays often equated with the evolution of reproductive isolation, although it is unclear how much reproductive isolation is required for speciation to occur.

On a more general level, ecological speciation often is thought to proceed in situations of divergence with gene flow that is, in parapatry and great potential for the accumulation of genetic differences through drift Schluter, , for example, in clinal or stepping-stone models of speciation Coyne and Orr, The relative roles of geographic isolation vs selection associated with reproductive isolation to complete speciation in such cases are little understood.

It seems clear that speciation is unlikely to be a consequence of a single isolating barrier or a single gene, at least in plants.

Fortunately, many plant species are able to form viable hybrids and many hybrid combinations can be found in semi- natural populations. Such hybrid zones provide a natural arena in which individual components of reproductive isolation and interactions among isolating barriers can be investigated, because recombination breaks up associations not only among traits, but also among interacting genes.

Genetic variants associated with such barriers will not be visible in hybrid zones because they will be eliminated by selection. Furthermore, it is essential that studies on plant reproductive isolation are not limited to analyses that can be performed in the laboratory or greenhouse, because entire groups of isolating barriers, such as extrinsic postzygotic barriers, would otherwise be missed.

Instead, the study of plant reproductive isolation requires the integration of population and functional genomic studies in the laboratory with greenhouse experiments, field observations and reciprocal transplant experiments. Floral character displacement generates assemblage structure of Western-Australian Triggerplants Stylidium. Ecology 75 : — Article Google Scholar.

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Ann Bot 99 : — Patterns of speciation in Drosophila. Evolution 43 : — Evolution 51 : — The evolutionary genetics of speciation. Sinauer Associates: Sunderland, MA. Evidence for reproductive isolate selection in Mediterranean orchids: karyotype differences compensate for the lack of pollinator specificity. Dobzhansky T Genetics and the Origin of Species.

Genetics of the Evolutionary Process. Columbia University Press: NY. Science : — Minor quantitative trait loci underlie floral traits associated with mating system divergence in Mimulus. Evolution 56 : — Genetics of flower size and nectar volume in Petunia pollination syndromes. Planta : — The genetic basis of floral traits associated with mating system evolution in Leptosiphon Polemoniaceae : an analysis of quantitative trait loci.

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Pollinator-mediated assortative mating in mixed ploidy populations of Chamerion angustifolium Onagraceae. Oecologia : — Kirkpatrick M, Barton N Darwin indicated that species could form by the evolution of one species splitting into two, or via a population diverging from its extant ancestor to the point it was a new species. Darwin's insights into evolution were brilliant, especially in light of their being made in the absence of genetics.

Indeed, ideas about heredity and the introduction of new genetic material via mutation were to come long after Darwin's founding theories of evolution. Image via Wikimedia Commons. Some rights reserved. The integration of genetics with models of natural selection shed tremendous light on, and strengthened Darwin's views on, evolution — here was the missing mechanism that introduced new variation into populations via mutation and recombination. Indeed, thanks to the Modern Synthesis, much of current research in Evolutionary Biology is strongly tied to genetics, and current methods for studying speciation are no exception.

As discussed below, the Modern Synthesis led to advances not only in the study of evolution within populations, but also changes in the way species were defined, and in how new species were considered to form. Thus, new species form when individuals from diverging populations no longer recognize one another as potential mates, or opportunities for mating become limited by differences in habitat use or reproductive schedules.

In some cases, these pre-zygotic isolating mechanisms fail to prevent inter-breeding among individuals from separate populations. In these cases, viable hybrids may form, or the consequences of a successful mating attempt may end in failure, either due to the production of inviable zygotes or sterile, non-reproductive offspring. These diverse pre- and post-zygotic barriers are of great importance to speciation biologists because they determine how reproductively-isolated populations are from one another, which indicates how far along the often continuous process of speciation that populations are.

For example, reproductive isolation is weak in the early stages of speciation, but changes to strong or complete in later stages of speciation Figure 2. One or more of the many types of isolating mechanisms may play a role in the evolution of species along a continuum Figure 2. But how and why might reproductive barriers to genetic exchange evolve? Figure 2: Schematic illustration of the continuous nature of divergence during speciation, with three arbitrary points along the speciation continuum depicted.

Numerous types of differentiation can vary quantitatively, with the magnitude of differentiation representing a measure of how far speciation has proceeded. Two headed arrows represent mating between individuals. All rights reserved. A major area of debate among speciation biologists is the geographic context in which it occurs Figure 3. Ernst Mayr emphatically defended his view that speciation was most likely when populations became geographically isolated from one another, such that evolution within isolated populations would lead to enough differences among them that speciation would be an eventual outcome.

The central idea here is that when populations are geographically separated, they will diverge from one another, both in the way they look and genetically. These changes might occur by natural selection or by random chance i. This view of speciation of geographically isolated populations — termed allopatric speciation — is still widely held among speciation biologists as playing a major role in the evolution of biodiversity e.

However, speciation might also occur in overlapping populations that are not geographically isolated i. The problem here is how do populations that are living in the same area, and exchanging genes, diverge from one another? This could occur, for example, if insects adapted to living on different plants within the same geographic region Feder et al. It will be interesting to see how many new examples emerge now that the idea of sympatric speciation is becoming less controversial.

Parapatric speciation refers to populations that are situated in geographic proximity to one another, usually with abutting but non-overlapping ranges. Here, a small proportion of each population are in actual contact with one another, and thus considered in sympatry, whereas the majority of individuals reside far enough apart that frequent encounters with one another are rare Figure 3.

There are putative examples of parapatric speciation in salamanders Niemiller et al. Reprinted from Mallet et al. The s saw a reclassification of modes of speciation away from schemes that focus solely on the geographic mode of divergence and towards a focus on the evolutionary process driving genetic divergence i. This reclassification was motivated — at least in part — by renewed interest in the extent to which the evolutionary processes which cause adaptation within species also tend to create new species.

Further, although the geographic mode of divergence has important implications for speciation via patterns of gene flow and sources of selection, speciation research has reached the point where we can directly test the role of different evolutionary process in driving speciation Butlin et al. We outline several processes that can drive speciation. Recent years have seen renewed efforts to address these questions. For example, populations living in different ecological environments e.

These same evolutionary changes can also result in the populations evolving into separate species. For example, adaptation to different environments might cause differences between populations in the way individuals tend to look, smell, and behave. In turn, these differences might cause individuals from different populations to avoid mating with one another, or hybrids exhibit reduced fitness if mating occurs.

Thus, the populations cease exchanging genes, thereby diverging into separate species because of the adaptive changes that occurred via natural selection. More specifically, ecological speciation is defined as the process by which barriers to gene flow evolve between populations as a result of ecologically-based divergent selection between environments.

This process makes some simple predictions. For example, ecologically-divergent pairs of populations should exhibit greater reproductive isolation than ecologically-similar pairs of populations of similar age Funk Figure 4 illustrates an example that supports this prediction.

Other predictions are that traits involved in divergent adaptation will also cause reproductive isolation, and that levels of gene flow in nature will decrease as ecological differences between populations increase. Figure 4 Ecological speciation in host-plant associated populations of Timema cristinae walking-stick insects individual populations feed on either the Ceanothus spinosus host plant or on Adenostoma fasciculatum. Pairs of populations feeding on the same host plant species, but in different geographic localities, are ecologically similar and assumed to not be subject to divergent selection.

In contrast, pairs of populations feeding on different host plant species are ecologically divergent and subject to divergent selection. This pattern is independent from neutral genetic divergence, a proxy for time since divergence.

A current debate is whether sexual selection can lead to speciation in the absence of ecological divergence van Doorn et al. Indeed, compelling examples that implicate an important role of sexual selection leading to new species sometimes also involve the evolution of different signals used in mate-selection among populations in different ecological contexts, such as light environment Seehausen et al. Here, signals used in mate-selection become adapted to new ecological environments where the transmission of these traits is more perceptible or audible in a new habitat.

Another mechanism of speciation that involves chance events is speciation by polyploidization. Polyploidy, or the presence of three or more complete sets of chromosomes, has been documented in a wide variety of taxa. Because polyploidy can lead to hybrid infertility, it is viewed as a mechanism that can rapidly lead to the formation of new species, potentially without selection for the divergence of other characters.

Email Facebook Twitter. They result from natural selection, sexual selection, or even genetic drift: The evolution of different mating location, mating time, or mating rituals: Genetically-based changes to these aspects of mating could complete the process of reproductive isolation and speciation.

For example, bowerbirds shown below construct elaborate bowers and decorate them with different colors in order to woo females. If two incipient species evolved differences in this mating ritual, it might permanently isolate them and complete the process of speciation.

Geographic isolation can instigate a speciation event — but genetic changes are necessary to complete the process. Differing selection pressures on the two islands can complete the differentiation of the new species. Previous Causes of speciation. Next Evidence for speciation. Abstract The classification of reproductive isolating barriers laid out by Dobzhansky and Mayr has motivated and structured decades of research on speciation.

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