If you are seventeen years old and have not earned this merit badge, you MUST start the merit badge at least three months before your 18th birthday, or you will not be able to earn Eagle Rank. Citizenship in the Community , Citizenship in the Nation , and Citizenship in the World : Citizenship in the Community is a complex merit badge, requiring an interview of a public official, attendance at school or town board meeting, and eight hours of community service to an organization that you have identified and interviewed.
Citizenship in the Nation is easier, requiring only one trip, but requires a reasonable knowledge of our government and how it works. You can earn the entire merit badge by reading the merit badge pamphlet and answering the questions. I had one Scout earn this merit badge in one minute session with me.
He was a history buff and really knew his material. All three citizenship merit badges can be earned at any age, but they are probably easier for a Scout of 13 years or older. Camping : You will earn this over the course of several years camping with your troop. A total of 20 nights of camping are required, only 7 of which may be summer camp. Keep good track of all your camping trips in your Scout handbook!
Otherwise, the overall rules of no time limit apply. Hope that helps! Ask the Experts your question Find other expertly answered questions here , and ask your own by emailing me. About Bryan Wendell Articles. Previous Remembering Joan Rivers, a friend of Scouting. Next Four options for retiring worn-out American flags. All rights reserved.
Loading Comments Tenderfoot is the second rank for Scouts and it's the first advancement one can make on the path to becoming an Eagle Scout Life is the rank that precedes Eagle. Preparing for and chipping away at this goal early on can prove helpful.
To that end:. A Life Scout who has completed all of the badge requirements and served in a leadership position for a minimum of six months can complete the path to Eagle process in three to six months, depending on the time of year and any other commitments on his or her time.
Trying to reach Eagle Scout while working on college applications or taking six advanced-placement classes is not recommended. But starting the Eagle project and binder work near the end of sophomore or junior year is an excellent plan. The Eagle project should be nearing completion. It's time to begin work on some important documents:. The heavy lifting has been done. At this stage, the Scout should be focused on final touches and submitting his application.
The Eagle board of review is not held at troop headquarters, so make sure your Scout gets the right address and figures out where it is well ahead of time to ensure that they arrive on time or—better—a few minutes early.
Many parents attend with their kids to offer moral support. If you go, you will be expected to wait outside. Afterward, assuming all goes well, you will be congratulated along with your child. The review board typically consists of three council leaders.
Your child's scoutmaster or unit committee chairman enters with your child and introduces him. Then the board asks questions, typically about your child's scouting experiences, Eagle project, the things they enjoyed most about scouting and, sometimes, what aspects they would improve or what merit badge they would like to see added.
As intimidating as the whole thing may appear ahead of time, the actual experience tends to be a fairly comfortable chat, a chance to review and revel in everything that brought your child to this point. Your child should be polite, respectful, and tactful, and should remember to express his thanks, both to the review board and his troop leaders. The date of a successful Eagle board of review is the date of the formal conferring of Eagle honors. The binder still goes on to national headquarters for review, but barring unforeseen circumstances, this should be a formality.