How many spells are there in pottermore

Albus Dumbledore fighting the Inferi inside the cave in Hermione using this charm in 12 Grimmauld Place. Lumos Solem as used by Hermione on the Devil's Snare. Snatchers being desintegrated by the power of this spell combined with other protections. Harry Potter in the Duelling Club using Rictusempra.

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Play Sound. Compare Spanish 'abierto'. It is able to summon objects in direct line of sight of the caster, as well as things out of view, by calling the object aloud after the incantation unless the spell is casted nonverbally. This spell needs thought behind it, and the object must be clear in the casters mind before trying to summon it. Molly Weasley used it to get the twins' candy. Notes: The Summoning Charm is unable to directly summon exceptionally large targets such as buildings, or living creatures except for Flobberworms which aren't considered to be worth summoning.

It is, however, possible to move a creature by summoning things they are wearing or holding. It is also possible to bewitch items to become unaffected from this charm, as is the case with most bought goods. Age Line Type: Charm Description: Prevents people above or below a certain age from access to a target. When Fred and George Weasley attempted to circumvent it with Ageing Potions , and ended up in the Hospital Wing with fine white beards, along with other students who tried similar tactics.

Etymology: Ascendere is a Latin infinitive meaning "to go up,""to climb," "to embark," "to rise figuratively ;" this is the origin of the English word "ascend". Albus Dumbledore's forceful spell Type: Spell Description: This spell was, supposedly, quite powerful as when it was cast, the opponent was forced to conjure a silver shield to deflect it.

The incantation has to be recited at sunrise and sundown, every day before the consumption of the Animagus Potion. The incantation is also recited just prior to the consumption of the potion, which has to take place just after a lightning storm starts.

The incantation is recited while placing the wand's tip over one's heart. Etymology: Amato is a conjugation of the Latin word amo, which means "I love" or "I am obliged to". Animo and animato are both different conjugations of the Latin word animo, which can mean "I animate" or "I fill with breath or life".

Animagus on the other hand appears to be a portmanteau of animo or "animal", and magus, which is Latin for "wizard". Etymology: From the Greek verb anapneo , meaning "I breathe in. It is used to entrap an enemy in an area. Also mentioned that nobody can disapparate from Hogwarts; it is due to this jinx. Anti-intruder jinx Type: Jinx Description: Prevents intruders from entering an area.

Antonin Dolohov's curse Type: Curse Description: An unknown curse that causes injuries that are capable of killing with enough power. Etymology: Latin apparere , meaning "to appear"; -ium and -cium are common Latin noun endings. Apparition Type: Transportation Description: Magically transports the caster to another location instantaneously.

The destination is one that the primary user has been to or seen in some fashion previously. Can be used to apparate multiple people at once if holding each other.

No incantation required. Etymology: Aqua means, in Latin , water. Eructo is a verb meaning "I raise"; roughly translated, it means "I raise water". Etymology: From the Latin aranea , meaning "spider", and exuo , meaning "I lay aside". Can be used on multiple targets, as well as on the caster themselves. It was invented by Daisy Pennifold in for use on the Quaffle in Quidditch.

Etymology: Likely the combination of the Anglo- French arester , meaning "to bring to a stop" and the Latin momentum , meaning "the force or strength gained whilst moving"; the literal translation hence is "Bring the force or strength gained whilst moving to a stop".

Arrow-shooting spell Type: Conjuration Description: Fires arrows from the caster's wand. The charm also works underwater, propelling the caster above the surface. Etymology: Derived from Latin ascendo , meaning "to climb". It is accompanied by a flash of green light and a rushing noise.

There is no known Counter-curse that can protect the victim from dying, except for a loving sacrifice. It is one of the three Unforgivable Curses. Etymology: From Latin avis meaning "bird" and forma meaning "shape". Etymology: The incantation Avenseguim is likely derived from the portmanteau of avens, a Latin adjective for "eager" or "craving", and seguir, the Spanish and Portuguese verb meaning "to follow", or alternatively from the Catalan seguim, meaning "we follow".

Taken together, Avenseguim can be interpreted as "to eagerly follow", which aptly characterises the behaviour of a tracking device. When used in conjunction with Oppugno , it can be used offensively. Also employed offensively by Hermione Granger against Ron Weasley. Etymology: The Latin word avis means "bird".

It was invented by Miranda Goshawk. Notes: This is likely the incantation for White sparks. Not as dangerous as real fire, these magical flames can be touched, penetrated and held without it burning the holder, though it is known to singe materials such as clothing and plants. She used it to defeat Devil's Snare in the London Underground in It can be used offensively as a minor duelling spell.

Etymology: From the word bombard , meaning "to attack a place or person continually with bombs or other missiles". A more advanced and more powerful form of the Exploding Charm. Bravery Charm Type: Charm Description: Increases the bravery of a teammate, increasing their performance against certain foes.

Bridge-conjuring spell Type: Charm Description: Conjure a bridge from thin air. Constant eye contact is needed for the jinx to keep working. Bubble-Head Charm Type: Charm Description: Produces a large bubble of air around the head of the user; it is commonly used as the supernatural equivalent of a breathing set. Used the following year by Ron Weasley when he broke his wand; these bubbles were purple. Arthur Weasley used this spell to allow eight people, six large trunks, two owls, and a rat to fit comfortably inside his modified Ford Anglia in Also on the tent in which the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione stay during the Quidditch World Cup in ; the tent is also used by Harry, Ron and Hermione as shelter in Also, Hermione cast this spell upon her handbag in the same year.

Etymology: From the Latin carpe , meaning "to seize" and retracto , meaning "I draw back". Caterwauling Charm Type: Charm Description: Anyone entering the perimeter of this spell sets off a high-pitched shriek.

This spell may be related to the Intruder Charm. Cauldron to badger Type: Transfiguration Description: Transforms cauldrons into badgers. Notes: This spell may be Badgering. Etymology: The incantation is a Latin phrase which translates to "beware of the enemy". Overuse of the spell may cause the target to break into an uncontrollable laughing fit.

This spell was invented by Felix Summerbee. Etymology: Aperio is Latin for "uncover" or "open"; Cista is Latin for "trunk" or "chest".

It is the counter-charm to the Unlocking Spell. Etymology: Perhaps a portmanteau of the Latin words colligere , which means "gather" and porta , which means "gate". Notes: This spell can easily be countered with Alohomora. Etymology: Almost certainly a combination of English "colour" and "vary". Etymology: The incantation is direct Latin for "destroy". Notes: This spell seems to use heat for its explosion, while Expulso uses pressure instead. It was used multiple times in and Etymology: The incantation, when non-capitalised, means "I confuse"; the title may derive from the Latin confundere , meaning "to confuse" or "to perplex.

The Oculus Potion is able to counteract this curse. Dragons are particularly susceptible to this curse, as their hide makes them resistant to most spells, while their eyes remain vulnerable.

Olympe Maxime used this spell on some giants in Etymology: "Conjunctivitis" is the technical term for "pink eye," demonstrating its effects of irritating the eye and causing it to shut. Cornflake skin spell Description: This spell causes the victim's skin to appear as though it was coated in cornflakes. Cracker Jinx Type: Jinx Description: This spell is used to conjure exploding wizard crackers ; it can be used in duelling to harm the opponent, but the force of the explosion may also affect the caster.

Cribbing Spell Type: Spell Description: This spell, which may possibly be a charm, is used to assist the caster in cheating on written papers, tests, and exams. It is possible that these spells can negate anti-cheating spells. Crinus Muto Type: Transfiguration Description: Used to transfigure the colour and style of one's hair. Harry may have used this spell to turn his teacher's hair blue. This curse does not physically harm the victim, but may in extreme cases drive them insane.

The pain is described as having hot knives being driven into the victim. It cannot be cast successfully by a person who is doing so out of pure spite or anger; one must feel a true desire to cause the victim pain. If one casts this spell, he or she will receive a life sentence in Azkaban prison for it, as with the other two Unforgivable Curses. It was later used by Harry to write the epitaph for Dobby , who had been killed.

Etymology: The incantation is Latin for "I dig". It may also disintegrate other certain images. It is the counter-charm to the Summoning Charm. Etymology: From the Latin depulsio , meaning "drive away". The spell was used a third time by Harry to swap the covers of his second-hand and brand-new copies of Advanced Potion-Making. Etymology: Latin diffindere , meaning "to divide" or "to split". Etymology: The incantation derives from the musical term diminuendo , meaning "a gradual decrease of the volume of sound".

Etymology: There are numerous suggestions. Notes: This may not be a spell at all in the strict sense but a password; however, when used for the statue of the hump-backed witch, one must tap the statue with their wand, indicating that it is in fact a spell. Disillusionment Charm Type: Charm Description: Causes the target to blend seamlessly in with its surroundings, like a chameleon. Etymology: From the Latin word draco , meaning "dragon", and forma meaning "shape".

E Ears to kumquats spell Type: Transfiguration Description: This spell transforms the victim's ears into kumquats. Its counter-charm is the Shrinking Charm. Used on another spider three years later to test a new wand. Etymology: The English word engorge means "swell". Notes: There is much speculation that this spell is the same as the Growth Charm , though this cannot be proven. Note that there is a difference between enlarging and engorging something, similar though they may seem.

Its countercurse is Redactum Skullus. Etymology: See etymology for above entry; "skullus" is Latin for "skull". Precise effects unknown.

Invented by Urquhart Rackharrow. Notes: This is part of a family of healing spells. Etymology: Epoximise comes from the English word epoxy , which is a type of adhesive. Notes: This spell may be the Permanent Sticking Charm or a variation. Etymology: Erectum is past principle of erigere , which is Latin for "to erect".

Vanished things go "into non-being, which is to say, everything. The Patronus takes the form of an animal, unique to each person who casts it. The form of a Patronus can change when one has undergone a period of heightened emotion. Etymology: Patronus means "protector" in Latin; in archaic Latin, it means "father"; considering the form Harry 's takes, this is interesting. It was considered to be Harry Potter 's signature spell. F False memory spell Type: Charm Description: Implants a false memory in the victim without them realising it was not originally theirs.

Both instances were to hide his crimes and make the victims believe they were responsible. It is likely that Kingsley Shacklebolt used this spell on Marietta Edgecombe in in order to prevent her from revealing Dumbledore's Army to Cornelius Fudge. This is reinforced by Dumbledore stating that Shacklebolt was "remarkably quick on the uptake" in modifying her memory. It is possible that Professor Horace Slughorn used this in the next school year to hide his memory of Voldemort asking him about Horcruxes, although as he retained awareness of the true memory his spell may be a different one.

It is also possible that he simply repressed it to such a degree that it could not be extracted from him against his will, as the memory he gave Dumbledore simple went blank at the right times and was replaced by a disembodied shouting, rather than images; this was noted to be crudely done. Hermione Granger used this in to make her parents believe they were named Wendell and Monica Wilkins respectively, that they have no daughter, and to make them move to Australia in order to protect them from Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

Feather-light charm Type: Charm Description: Makes an object light as a feather. Ferret to human Type: Transfiguration Description: Transforms a ferret into a human. Etymology: Latin ferula means "walking-stick" or "splint". Etymology: Latin fiant means "become" and duri means "hard". Fidelius Charm Type: Charm Description: An immensely complex charm used to hide secret information within the soul of the charm's recipient, who is called a Secret-Keeper.

The information is irretrievable unless the Secret-Keeper willingly chooses to reveal it, and only the aforementioned person can do so. Etymology: Latin fidelis , which means "faithful".

Notes: Although when a Secret-Keeper dies the secret they held can never be revealed to anyone else [47] , in it is apparent that upon the Keeper's death all those who had been told the secret become keepers in turn.

Notes 2 : This charm seems to have no effect with regard to animals, as Hedwig found Ron and Hermione in a location that was protected by this charm; however, it is possible that Dumbledore somehow told her, ludicrous though such may seem. Notes 3 : In , Hagrid managed to get to Harry before all the Muggles could look at it; this makes it appear as though the Killing Curse will negate the effect of the Fidelius Charm.

Notes 4 : Those who have been told of the secret by secret-keepers still cannot pass the secret on, as proven by Severus Snape and Bellatrix Lestrange. Fiendfyre Fiendfyre in the Room of Requirement caused by Vincent Crabbe Type: Curse Description: Unleashes cursed fire that takes the shape of animals that actively seek out living targets and burn anything in its path, including nearly indestructible substances such as horcruxes.

In addition, this fire is made even more dangerous due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to control, and cannot be extinguished with normal or enchanted water. Finger-removing jinx Type: Jinx Description: Removes a person's fingers. Etymology: From the Latin flagrate , meaning "a burn". Notes: This may be related to, or the incantation for Match to needle. Flipendo Maxima ' Type: Jinx Description: A more powerful version of the Knockback Jinx , which threw the target back at a much greater force.

Flying charm Type: Charm Description: This spell is cast on broomsticks and flying carpets to allow them to fly. Fur spell Type: Charm Description: Causes fur to grow on the victim. When used to duplicate objects indefinitely on purpose, is known as the Gemino Curse.

Also used in the Lestrange family vault to keep the trio from stealing the horcrux. Etymology: The Latin word gemini means "twins".

Etymology: From Latin glacies , which means "ice". Notes: Not to be confused with the Freezing Charm , which merely immobilises things. Etymology: Probably derived from French glisser , meaning "to slide". Green Sparks Description: Jet of green sparks that can be used to signal an emergency or as a minor duelling spell. Notes: The incantation is almost certainly Verdimillious. Gytrash-conjuring spell Type: Conjuration, Dark Arts Description: Conjures luminous green Gytrashes from the wand, which can be commanded by the caster to attack an opponent.

Etymology: Latin harmonia , which means "harmony", nectere , which means "to bind", and passus , which means "step". Herbifors Type: Transfiguration Description: This spell causes flowers to sprout from the victim. When Marietta Edgecombe betrayed the D. Notes: This jinx was invented by Hermione, and may have been inspired by Furnunculus.

Homing spell Description: Offensive spells that follow their target with a constant speed after being cast. Etymology: Most likely from Latin homo , meaning human, and "reveal", though the classical Latin form would be hominem instead of homenum , which shows Portuguese influence "man" is homem in Portuguese.

Notes : It can be used non-verbally; Dumbledore does so to detect Harry underneath his Invisibility Cloak. The charm has a powerful effect in that it is not fooled by various methods of concealment and disguise, such as invisibility cloaks , the Polyjuice Potion or transformed Animagi. He quickly ruled it out, however, realising it would only give the dragon yet another way to attack him. This spell was first used on the Comet to prevent players from overshooting the goal posts and from flying off-sides.

Horcrux-making spell Four of Tom Riddle's Horcruxes Type: Dark Arts Description: This spell allows a part of a wizard's soul to pass into an object, thereby making the object a Horcrux. One has to commit murder and take advantage of the soul's "splitting apart" by this supreme act of evil in order to be able to perform this spell, and it is probably very complex. In , Horace Slughorn described the spell to a young Tom Riddle as encasing a portion of the torn soul and placing it within an object.

The spell itself is described in detail in a banned book known as "Secret of the Darkest Art", which Hermione Granger summoned from Albus Dumbledore's office near the end of their sixth year.

According to the text, use of this spell to separate the soul will make the remaining portion of the soul very fragile, and can only be reversed by "remorse" of the wrongs the creator had made; however, the pain caused by attempting to reverse the creation of a Horcrux can destroy the individual. Also used shortly after to melt snow. Also was used by Albus Dumbledore in to dry Harry's and his own robes.

It is one of the many lesser variations of the Levitation Charm. It works both on living and inanimate things. Also used in by Harry against the Inferi and Snape. Stronger uses of this spell seem capable of blowing targets away. Etymology: Latin impedimentum plural impedimenta , "a hindrance" or "an impediment". The victim is put into a trance-like state, and becomes very suggestible to the commands of the caster.

However, those who are strong willed may learn to resist it. One of the three "Unforgivable Curses," the use of this curse on another human results in capital punishment or life sentence in Azkaban. First seen in when Barty Crouch Jnr , impersonating ex- Auror Alastor Moody , used it on a spider and later on students during a "class demonstration" in a Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

While breaking into Gringotts in , Harry used it on a goblin and a Death Eater when they became suspicious. Etymology: Latin impero , I command, and English "imperious".

Imperturbable Charm Type: Charm Description: Creates an invisible magical barrier on an object, such as a door.

This barrier bounces objects off of it, and muffles sounds. Also used in , first by Ron to protect objects in Yaxley's office from rain, and then by Hermione to protect Harry , Ron and Griphook from the burning treasure in the Lestranges' vault. Etymology: It is said that the Latin impervius means and is the source of "impervious"; although it is the source of the word, it is better translated as impassable, as in a mountain peak.

Etymology: Probably English incarcerate , "to imprison". Possibly linked to the Latin in carcerem , "in to prison". Notes: A non-verbal version of this spell may have been used to tie up Remus Lupin by Severus Snape during the encounter in the Shrieking Shack , and then later Peter Pettigrew in It may also have been used by Quirrell in , although he is said to have merely "snapped his fingers". Also, it may have been the spell Antonin Dolohov used non-verbally to bind Ron Weasley with "shining black ropes" in a skirmish on Tottenham Court Road.

Note that the first principal part of this verb meaning "I set fire" is incendo , not incendio ; the incantation does not match exactly any correct conjugation of the verb. A plausible but less likely source might be that it is a back-formation from the English word "incendiary," i. Etymology: The prefix 'Inflate' derives from the English verb "to expand with oxygen".

A page with a brief description including weaknesses and strengths of the charmed creature is added to the caster's Folio Bruti. Etymology: The prefix Info derives from the English verb "to inform".

Instant scalping hex Type: Hex Description: Instantly scalps all the hair off of a target. He quickly decided it would be ineffective, because dragons do not have hair. Notes: This spell has similar effects to the Hair Loss Curse.

Also, Draco Malfoy was hit with this jinx along with another one at the end of the term. Jelly-Fingers Curse Type: Curse Description: Causes target's fingers to become wobbly, making it uneasy for the victim to grasp objects. Created by Severus Snape. Etymology: Probably from the French langue "tongue" and the English "lock". Etymology: From Latin lepus meaning hare, and forma meaning "shape". Also during Occlumency lessons in Also used non-verbally by Snape on Harry in to allow him to see where Harry had learned the Sectumsempra spell.

Etymology: Latin legere "to read" and mens "mind". Harry Potter learnt it by reading the notes written by the Half-Blood Prince. He used it on Ron. Etymology: Latin levare , "raise" and corpus , "body" or "corpse". Notes: It is not clear why Levicorpus has a specific counter-spell, and is not neutralised by simply using Finite Incantatem , although this could be due to the fact that Snape invented the spell and therefore made it irreversible except by its specific counter-curse.

Locomotor Locomotion Charm Type: Charm Pronunciation: loh-kuh-MOH-tor Description: Allows a witch or wizard to levitate a target a few inches off of the ground and then move said object in any given direction. Similarly to the Summoning Charm , a specific object can be moved by calling the object aloud after saying the incantation.

Filius Flitwick similarly used it to move Sybill Trelawney 's trunk after Dolores Umbridge sacked her. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown used this spell to race their pencil cases around the edges of the table. A variation seen in is Piertotum Locomotor , which caused the statues of Hogwarts to be animated. Etymology: Latin locus place and moto , "set in motion" passive motor , or English locomotion.

Notes: It is unclear whether or how this spell is related to the Locomotor spell. It could, however, be that the curse "locks" any part of the body in accordance to where it is pointed, or moves the body into a position of the caster's choosing whilst placing them into an immobile state. It is possible that Draco had pointed his wand at Neville and the curse "locked" his legs together. Etymology: Latin lumen , "light".

Notes: opposite incantation, Nox , puts the light out. It is a variant of the Wand-Lighting Charm. Etymology: Lumos plus Latin duo , "two". From alohomora , expelliarmus , and The Patronus Charm—and, of course, the infamous "wingardium leviOsa"—we've included a complete Harry Potter spells list below with the series' most notable charms.

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