The walk passes through the Awaba State Forest and past the Sugarloaf range, down into Wakefield and on to Teralba, a pleasant town on the edge of Lake Macquarie. Accommodation is available at both ends of this day walk. This return walk starts from a nice rest area on Georges Road and follows the road along the ridge, passing several great lookout points across the valley, to the quiet little r lookout, which provides a nice open clearing that just screams lunch time.
Please note that Watagan and Georges Roads are dry weather roads only, if you are unsure, check with the park office before heading out. This walk can be made shorter by driving further along Georges Rd.
Home Walks Campsites More. Hard track. Bangalow camping ground. The Bangalow campsite, beside Bangalow Road is within the Watagans National Park and is a small, quiet spot to camp amongst native bush. The site has a number of picnic tables [1] , a barbeque, and a toilet [2]. From Bangalow Camping Ground [3] on Bangalow Rd [4] , this walk follows the track up the moderately steep hill [5] directly opposite the camp ground [6].
The track is followed for about m, to find a small flat area with a large rock [7]. The track then continues steeply uphill with timber steps [8] for about m, until coming to an indistinct three-way intersection at the base of Monkey Face cliff [9]. Base of Monkey Face Cliff. This large and extensive cliff line [10] overlooks the Gap Creek Valley. This sandstone cliff is used by rock climbing and abseiling parties, so be aware that people may be above you.
It is possible to explore around the base of this cliff and find attractive rock formations [11] , including caves. These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.
Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Monkey Face Cliff Walk. Overview of this walks grade — based on the AS Length m Time 30 mins. Some more details of this walks Grading Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk.
From kiss of the lepers. Climbers at the pioneer route rap station. You can see tyrolean traverse set up from the M…. Jesse walking the line. He sent the monkey line…. The side of the monkey less often seen. Show 31 More Photos. Comment Type:. This long awaited edition has gotten a little thicker with the addition of over new routes. Please Confirm. Cancel OK. Backbone, The S 5. East Face T 5.
East Face Start T 5. Just Do It S 5. Monkey Farce T 5. Monkey Off My Back S 5. Monkey Space S 5. Moving in Stereo S 5. North Face, The T 5. View full screen Pause Play. Monkey Face lookout provides excellent scenic views over the Martinsville Valley, with space for a picnic. Monkey Face lookout offers one of the best vantage points in the park, with sweeping views east across the Martinsville Valley. Settle down in a picnic spot under the ancient grass trees and ironbarks around the lookout, enjoying the view whilst you eat.
In winter, the air is crisp and clean, refreshing and revitalising as you survey the land. In summer, the sun is hot and bright and casts a magnificent light over the valley, making this lookout a spectacular place to visit all year round.
For directions, safety and practical information, see visitor info. It's a day use park, though it does have a small walk-in campground called a bivouac site primarily used by rock climbers. Info: Smith Rock State Park, , oregonstateparks. This is No. The schedule:. Sunday, March 1: The introduction. Sunday, March 1: Oregon coast.
Monday, March 2: Columbia River Gorge. Tuesday, March 3: Mount Hood. Wednesday, March 4: Painted Hills. Thursday, March 5: Smith Rock. Friday, March 6: Wallowas.
Saturday, March 7: Crater Lake. Links to last year's best hikes at the 7 wonders:. Wallowa Mountains, seven great hikes into one of 7 Wonders of Oregon photos.