What was the franck hertz experiment

At one point, invading German troops entered Copenhagen and were marching near the Institute. They would surely confiscate the medals. What to do with them? In great haste Hungarian chemist, George de Hevesy, who was at the institute, dissolved the gold medals in aqua regia, a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, and put the bottle containing the yellow liquid, inconspicuously, on a shelf.

There it remained until after the war. The gold was then recovered and sent to the Nobel Society. They recast the medals and presented them to Franck and von Laue [ 6 ]. Franck came to the United States and spent most of his remaining career at the University of Chicago. After participating in the Manhattan Project, in a June report, he urged authorities to have a demonstration explosion of a nuclear weapon to achieve peace with Japan without actual use of the weapon.

He then joined an unsuccessful effort to avert a nuclear arms race. His stand on the issue reflected his entire life of moral engagement on public issues. Lemmerich, J. Palo Alto. Stanford University Press. Rice, S. James Franck, A Biographical Memoir. The National Academies Press. Washington, D. Franck, J. American Institute of Physics. The Invisible Prize accessed March 16, Photo: Wikimedia commons. Mercury-vapor vacuum tube in teaching labs to replicate the Franck-Hertz experiment: anode A , screen or grid G , cathode C.

Librarians Authors Referees Media Students. Login Become a Member Contact Us. References: 1. Nobel Prize in Physics, Photo: Wikimedia commons Mercury-vapor vacuum tube in teaching labs to replicate the Franck-Hertz experiment: anode A , screen or grid G , cathode C.

Collisions between the atoms and the electrons will occur. Only electrons with sufficient energy will cause the mercury atoms to make transitions to higher states of energy.

The electrons will lose their energy to the atoms. Unable to display preview. Download preview PDF. Skip to main content. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available. Advertisement Hide. Authors Authors and affiliations Friedel Weinert. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Franck, G. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 16 , —67 Franck, P.

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