When do kids outgrow asthma

Before starting a physical education class or a team sport, make sure the teacher or coach understands that exercise can trigger asthma symptoms. Talk with teachers and school administrators about indoor air quality, allergens, and irritants in the school.

Ensure your child's emotional well-being by reassuring that asthma doesn't have to slow him or her down or make him or her different from other children. Be honest with your child about asthma. Remember, as your child grows, that independence is an important goal. Children with asthma don't want to be different.

But they need guidance and supervision. This age group relies completely on the parents. These children understand little about asthma. The most important factor with this age group is to try to make medicine time fun. But you must also stress the importance of taking the medicines. Let children help in any way possible.

These children are more able to understand asthma. They should be taught about their medicines and how to stay away from their triggers. They should begin to watch their own symptoms. Often, teens resist taking long-term chronic medicines. They also don't like restrictions and don't want to be different. Involve teens in every part of asthma management.

They may prescribe asthma medicines , but probably won't officially diagnose a child with asthma unless symptoms continue. Share your concerns with your child's doctor, and ask about possible asthma if your daughter has:. The doctor may ask if your child has breathing problems in different circumstances, such as during a cold or when exposed to:.

It's important to tell the doctor about any family history of allergies , asthma, eczema , and sinus problems. This information and careful monitoring of your child over time will help the doctor decide if the symptoms are due to asthma or another problem. Is it Asthma? Larger text size Large text size Regular text size. Share your concerns with your child's doctor, and ask about possible asthma if your daughter has: wheezing that has happened more than once with or without illness long-lasting coughing or coughing that get worse at night or after active playing any other breathing problem that concerns you The doctor may ask if your child has breathing problems in different circumstances, such as during a cold or when exposed to: cold air allergens, such as pets or dust smoke It's important to tell the doctor about any family history of allergies , asthma, eczema , and sinus problems.

Nebulizer treatments take about 10 minutes and are usually given several times each day until symptoms decrease. Nebulized medications are given to infants and young children using a facemask.

Although some small children are initially apprehensive, with parental reassurance, the majority of children rapidly become accustomed to this form of medication delivery. The particle size of the medication is very small and is affected by side stream air resulting in very little actually being inhaled by the infant or small child. Some toddlers and preschoolers are able to use an inhaler containing asthma medication with a spacer and mask attachment.

A spacer is a small tube or chamber that holds the medication released by the inhaler fitted into it. Use of spacers allows for greater variety in the medications that can be prescribed. Various types of medications are used to treat asthma. Most people with asthma, including very young children, use a combination of medications, depending on the severity and frequency of symptoms.

Concentrate your efforts particularly in the bedroom, and of course, in other areas where your child lives or is active. Here are some guidelines on things you can do:. These coverings are available at many retail stores that sell bedding and also from allergy supply companies.

Even if someone smokes in the basement of a multi- storied home, the smoke filters through the vents to all parts of the house. Be especially careful of the foods commonly known to cause an allergic response in many people. These foods include:. There is some evidence that breast-feeding helps prevent children from developing eczema and food allergies in the first years of life, but does not reduce asthma.

Yes and no. This is particularly true for those infants who wheezed only with viral infections and do not have any allergies or allergic persons in their family. Fast facts. In fact, people who had asthma as young children generally find their asthma symptoms vary throughout their adult years.

About half of those children whose symptoms disappeared during their teens have their asthma symptoms reappear in varying degrees when they reach their late thirties or early forties.

New triggers may cause symptoms to appear at any time in people with a history of asthma. Keep in mind. When a very young child has a chronic illness, parents can feel stretched to their limits as they try to manage. Consider these tips for coping:. Make sure the plan gives you guidelines to follow if asthma symptoms get worse.

Review the plan with your childcare provider and provide instructions to all babysitters or other short- term childcare providers as well. What hospital will you use? Be sure your pediatrician uses this hospital and it is in your health care plan. Who will take care of your other children? How does your medical coverage provide for emergency care? If someone else is caring for your child, how can you be contacted at all times? Who makes the decision to seek emergency care?

Many babies, toddlers, and preschoolers are treated for asthma by their pediatrician; however, if their asthma symptoms are not under control within three to six months, or if symptoms are severe and persistent, or if the asthma episodes require emergency treatment, it may be time to see an asthma specialist.


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