Blue got it from? Dragonmaw Clan --and then sorted by required level so I know when I can pick up each quest as I level. Here are the results: Horde. Comment by Badadz I had a huge problem with this in that I couldn't get the opening quests for Azshara. Comment by Souzan For anyone that doesn't know, the Bloodgulch hub for horde, is a reference to Rosterteeth, they even have grif there :D. Leads to Consumed by Nightmare , Fading into Twilight and King of the Mountain and also gives nice reputation jump, pre-heroic loot and a fair amount of money.
Feel free to correct please, I've done some of the quests when they first came up, so there might be some mistakes obviously. As you already know, you start with Warchief's Command: Twilight Highlands! This chain ends with Ready the Ground Troops. Followed by Ready the Navy , ending with Beating the Market. Ready the Air Force , ending with Negotiations Terminated. Emergency Aid , ending with Dangerous Compassion.
At this point you will unlock the portal and can move to the actual zone. She also gives The Southern Flank which leads to two other quests on the beach; so that you can do the chains starting with Mo' Better Shredder , followed by the Reprisal and lastly Of Utmost Importance.
Garona starts the chain A Vision of Twilight. Mallia starts the chain Paint it Black , ending with Nightmare ; combined with Unbroken chain, gives you Consumed by Nightmare and leading to Warm Welcome chain.
Warm welcome? Now you can start the Battle of Life and Death chain with pretty good cutscenes. Lirastrasza starts Blackout chain, ending with Last of Her Kind and leading to Crushblow chain ,which ends with Signal the Attack Be sure to disable any quest-helper addon on this one as you probably won't be able to complete the quest -not in database and its "click to complete".
They give the Unbinding and Portal Overload quests. Doing Distract Them for Me cloth wearers should be careful on this one and Spirit of the Loch chains together, you end up with Mr.
Goldmine's Wild Ride. Don't forget to take Rune Ruination as its your ticket out. End the chain with Skullcrusher the Mountain and get your achievement! Note: Probably you won't need to do every quest on this guide to get the achievement. And you can definately do the dailies to earn reputation with this guys after unlocking them of course.
I know its a lot time consuming but its really fun and the cutscenes are pretty cool and I don't even like questing. Comment by PLS help me. I did all quests Mordenai gave me and i have friendly rep with them. Then how come they are attacking me when i get close? Comment by I know there has been all those ideas about being able to be a Mag'har orc brown skin , but I think it would also be cool if you could be an untainted Dragonmaw orc.
It would probably never happen, I know, but it's just a thought. Comment by Bandeeto I wish you could go to war with them. I would just love to get hated with them. I wonder if Thrall was in charge if he would have allowed an alliance. Would anyone happen to know what could have gon wrong? These are rough calculations, with rounding. Conclusions: Running the 5 heroics mentioned will net you the most reputation per hour.
After heroics, normal Grim Batol is the best reputation per hour with the 5 instance limit. However, you will need to find something else to do for 25 - 30 mins between each set of 5 instances, and spend the time traveling to and from your other activity. Normal runs include run time back to the entrance. Comment by Kendricksereno Does anyone know if u can still get this tabard in 5.
It may also work on the level 90 normal modes. Now you can farm rep and also get some good JP at the same time. Please report this bug to Blizzard, it needs to be fixed, because it's impossible for new characters to quest and gain reputation with this faction.
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User Info: Sivrak Sivrak Topic Creator 10 years ago 6 lrn2starttwilighthighlands and where can i do that oh helpful troll? User Info: Sivrak Sivrak Topic Creator 10 years ago 8 Yea i must be the only person in the world who never went to the highlands to level. User Info: dturner80 dturner80 10 years ago 9 Try checking the bulletin board in Org. User Info: dementedlullaby dementedlullaby 10 years ago Well, my guild called it quits. How come ION can't talk to us like Yoshi p?
Do you think Disney will buy Activision Blizzard? You can find D'lom in Deepholm at coordinates [ We started the reputation in Neutral. After completing numerous missions under the sweltering sun and heat of Uldum, we will reach the rank of Honorable. To continue climbing we can buy the Tabard of Ramkahen talking with him Blacksmith Asasi ; its intendant, found in [54, In addition, we can earn useful reputation points by performing the daily Thief Expirators , and of Fire from the sky that will give us more points.
After the hard tasks carried out in the hot lands of Uldum, we will be able to buy numerous rewards from the Ramkahen quartermaster. Performing the different missions From Twilight Highlands we will begin by being friendly with the Dragonmaw Clan. After having done such a hard task, we can use the Tabard of the Dragonmaw Clan , to continue raising reputation; having it equipped when we are doing dungeons. We can also make several daily that are in the Blood Throat:.
Each of these missions gives reputation points, for which we can get 1, reputation points per day. It's one of the easiest clan reputations to climb, so cheer up. After reaching the Exalted level with this Clan, we must speak with Grot Deathblow , the Quartermaster found in [ The melee DPS plates will benefit greatly from the arcanum they offer, but there are also more rewards for all types of players.
We start with the level of Neutrals, with the Wildhammers, but don't worry… it does not take sweat and blood to raise this reputation to Exalted, since almost any mission in Twilight Highlands gives reputation with this clan.