Which application pool w3wp.exe

Here you need to identify the particular worker process which is associated with your application pool. So whenever HTTP. SYS Received the request from any web application, it checks for the Application Pool and based on the application pool it send the request.

Identify Worker Process from Task Manager. So, here is your list of all worker process with corresponding application pool name. From the Application pool name you can easily identify which worker process is related with your application.

From IIS 7. This will show you list worker process that is running on IIS 7. Mileage will vary depending on hardware and the types of sites on the server. An application pool running a static webpage has about 3 MB of memory overhead, while one running a simple ASP.

NET page has a base of 10 MB of memory overhead give or take a couple of megabytes. You can use these general numbers to determine how much additional overhead is generated by separating sites into their own application pools. Or, - There are failures and the previous worker process is failing when the new request comes in.

You'll be able to tell if you watch it for a bit afterward and see if the previous worker process died. Hi Scott, I really appreciate time you took out to look at my problem and respond. The Web Garden Setting for app pool is set to 1 only. I have been monitoring the w3wp.

Actually the problem seems to be related to the back end system that we use. So the crystal reports make an ODBC connection to that database.

As soon as I access the Web App I see one w3wp. I would assume it would try to use same process everytime but it creates new process everytime I access a crystal report. I tried to set Idle time out of worker process to 2 mins.

So after two minutes all worker processes gets recycled. Which helps but not much. Thanks for your help once again. Regards, Utsavi. Also, if you have the web gardens set to 1, it's very unlikely that IIS will spin up new worker processors per requests.

Possibly it's showing AppDomains rather than worker processes, or possibly it's mistaken. Can you have it show the PID?

If so, that will confirm if they are all the same process. There is one key thing you need to know about IIS application pools that are a little confusing.

Within the IIS management console, you can stop and start application pools. IIS will not start the worker process until the first web request is received. If you want to stop w3wp. If you do not disable it, it will start back up when you restart Windows.

If you have critical ASP. NET web applications running on your web server, it is important to monitor your server, IIS, and applications.

It is important to know if w3wp. If you need help monitoring the performance of your ASP. NET applications, be sure to check out our. NET application performance monitoring solution, Retrace.

Retrace can monitor key Windows performance counters and the performance of your application all the way down to the code level. Including slow SQL queries, application errors, and much more.


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